What Content Makes A Great Presentation

Haris Amin
6 min readAug 10, 2020



Presentations are one of the least favourite things in the modern professional world. For many people, delivering a great presentation is considered to be a daunting task and asks for a lot of nerves. However, a person can significantly polish his presentation skills by giving some time to understand the algorithm of how to make a great presentation. Not only will he be able to structure his presentation in an effective manner, but he will also appear to be confident and relaxed. We have assembled a guide that helps in creating a presentation. We hope that you get to learn from this.

How to deliver a great presentation?

Jumping from good to great is a more difficult task as compared to jumping from bad to good. To help you make that jump and nail your upcoming custom presentation design, we have described a few key features down below.

Confidence and Passion

With the right attitude, you can surely make a big difference. Giving a presentation with full confidence is very different than giving a presentation without being confident. If you aren’t sure of what you’re saying, how do you expect people to believe it?

Keeping the audience from being bored is one hell of a job to do. You need to deliver the topic passionately, this will make the audience listen attentively and build interest in the topic.

Knowledge and Authenticity

One of the important key factors that contribute to creating a great presentation is the proper knowledge of the topic. You should know every single detail about the topic that you’re going to present. It is suggested to double-check the authenticity of the information. This will help you to get your facts and figures straight.

Perfect knowledge will help you to speak more regarding the topic and also remove the risk of losing the audience. Moreover, it will also contribute to matching the frequency of the questions asked by the audience.


Stories contribute to making a great presentation. Facts can be boring sometimes, that is not the case with stories as stories speak directly to the heart. They let the audience connect with the message in the presentation on a different and emotional level.

Some might even declare great presentations to be stories as they take the audience on an emotional journey.

Naturalness and Clarity

A natural and engaging talk can only be done if you’re comfortable with the content you’re talking about. If you follow the right path and don’t go off the course, you will be open to a little bit of naturalism.

Above all, the key purpose of a presentation is to convey a clear message. If every aspect of the presentation is perfect but the audience didn’t understand the message, it was a fail. A well delivered and a clear message is a key to success.

The goals that you should set for your pitch deck

To raise money for your business, a fascinating pitch deck will be an essential element in the fundraising toolkit. An impressive pitch deck will attract potential investors and will engage them in a business-related conversation. This can prove to be beneficial for future investment.

This may sound contradictory but the real purpose of a fascinating pitch deck is not to elevate the money game. The real objective of a compelling pitch deck is to acquire the investor’s interest and ensure the next meeting. One important thing to keep in mind is that the pitch presentation and pitch deck are the most notable things. Both of these things help the investor to learn about your company. Your goal should be to impress the investor with your pitch deck and spark his interest in your company.

What content should you include in your pitch deck in order to make it impressive?

A pitch deck presentation consists of only 10 to 20 slides. The purpose of this presentation is to share all types of information regarding your business to attract investors. Market strategies are discussed that allow the investor to decide if he would prefer to invest in your business or not.

We will be giving you tips and tricks about the content that you should add to your pitch deck presentation. This will attract more investors and hence will help you make more money eventually. The following points should be followed while making your slides.

Value proposition and vision

This is a 140 character short outline of your business. To provide a clear perception of the business, the outline should be kept short.

“Uber for pets” is one example of the start of the pitches. Content like this can work as it is simple and gives a general idea of the business. However, your comparison should not be senseless when you use the name of a high profile company like Uber. Your reference company must match your business model.

The Problem

You should discuss the problem that you hope to solve with the business idea you proposed. You can discuss the solutions available in the market at that time and suggest how your idea is unique. A story should be narrated that includes the problem and how your business idea solves it easily.

Opportunity and Target Market

In this bit of information, you are going to discuss the type and number of customers for your business. You will put forth the size of the market. You will also discuss how in the upcoming time your company could maintain a position in that sector. This information is very necessary as the investors would prefer to know about the business scope in the market. The more specifically you describe scale and scope of the business, the more convincing your pitch will be.

The Product

This is where you describe the products and services of your business company. In this, the problem is to be discussed with a detailed solution ie. the product. This is where you narrate another story in which you specifically describe how your product is the solution. The more convincing your solution sounds, the more investors will be attracted to investing in your business.

If there is a possibility, create and show sample pictures of the product you wish to produce. Keep in mind that a picture is worth a thousand words.

Your Business and Revenue Model

After describing the problem and the solution, discuss the revenue model. You would discuss the methods of the transfer of money. You will discuss that who gets to pay the bills and what do you charge for the services etc. Another factor to be discussed is the adaptiveness of your pricing policy. This also includes your pricing plan, ie. Whether you’re budget offering or high-price offering.


To prove your business model to the investors, you can talk about some of the sales you’ve done before. Any proof that provides validation of your solution to work can reduce the risk by a high percentage. You can also talk about the milestones you wish to achieve.

Sales and Marketing Strategy

In this slide, you are going to discuss your sales process and the ways to get your customers attention. You will talk about the strategy with which you will convince the customers to buy your product. Highlight your strategy if it is unique and different from the strategies implemented by competitors.


You will propose the number of members in your team, their role and the expertise they bring to the company. Even if your team is incomplete, decide which positions need to be filled and hire employees accordingly.


Total customers, show sales, profits and total expenses are to represented in charts so they’re easy to read and interpret. Being realistic, you should discuss underlying assumptions for your sale goals. When explained based on traction, your growth could turn out to be very useful.


Competitors exist in all sorts of businesses. You need to tackle this situation smartly and explain how you’ll stand out in the competitive market. The key would be to explain why a potential customer would prefer to choose your product over a product that is already available in the market.

Use of Funds and investments

This the time where you give the final statement and ask for the funding you require from the investor. The main reason for the pitch deck was to fix the next meeting but still, your investor needs to know the amount of money you’ve been looking for and how you plan to invest it.


To summarise it all, if the above points are kept in mind for preparing a presentation, it is likely to have an impact on the audience. An unstructured presentation bores the audience. It also leads to them losing interest in the subject. We sincerely hope that our article helped you out in perfecting your pitch and delivering an impactful presentation.



Haris Amin

Hi there, I am Haris, a Freelance Content Writer and an Undergrad Student